Tuesday, March 4, 2014

SHEA CHIC New Jingle!

Here's our New Jingle! If you send us a video of your kids or yourself singing this jingle I'll send you some SHEA CHIC goodies! You have to sing the whole song and the most creative videos, get the best SHEA CHIC goodies. Be sure to include your name, address, and phone number when you submit your video to APRIL@SHEACHIC.com. All videos will be distributed to the world wide web and have the potential to make you a Super Star. :)
Have fun!!! Show us what you've got.

SHEA CHIC Jingle Words:

SHEA CHIC Boutique...

SHEA CHIC Boutique...

We are an Ar-ti-san

bath and beauty bou-tique..... SHEA CHIC.

Located in Southern Cal-i-for-nia... down by the beach

Shea butter... Soaps....Candles.... and Creams

and more more more

We never test on an-i-mals

We are animal lo-ving


SHEA CHIC dot com

